Senin, 19 September 2011


A.      Contoh kalimat
1.       Personal pronouns
a.       I promise that she will receive your gift.
b.      When I was a little boy, I dreamed that I would have a big house in the future.
c.       They have to come home before the clock strikes nine.
d.      No teachers around to see me texting message on my cell phone
2.       Demonstrative pronouns
a.       This store must be close this afternoon
b.      Those are my dogs around that house.
3.       Interrogative pronouns
a.       Which one of those cars is yours?
b.      Who wants to invite him to my party?
4.       Relative pronouns
a.       Whoever broke those statue will have to pay for it
b.      That scratch which was left on that door is so scary
5.       Indefinite pronouns
a.       Everyone in this city must leave this city immediately because of this earthquake
b.      He just need somebody to love
6.       Reflexive pronouns
a.       You have to believe in yourself if you want to success
b.      I promise that he will do that job by himself
7.       Intensive pronouns
a.       I myself believe that he stole my cell phone
b.      The queen herself believes that she could heal the economy crisis in England.
B.      Exercise
a.       Exercise 1
1.       I, it
2.       I, you
3.       It, I
4.       He, you
5.       We, it
6.       She, it
7.       You, us
8.       We, those, us
9.       They, it
10.   It, his
b.      Exercise 2
1.       Their è Carolyn and Katy
2.       Her è Ms. Rodriguez
3.       You è Rene
4.       It è the steam
5.       Their è Dad and Marty
6.       Them è the millers
7.       Yours è Joe
8.       She è Kim
9.       I è Kevin
10.   We è Mike and Jan
11.   It è the test
12.   They è the results
13.   Him è Bob
14.   Her è Dolores
15.   Them è Al and Lee
c.       Exercise 3
1.       You è Shelley, it è phone
2.       She è grandmother
3.       It è information
4.       It è the fair
5.       We è peter and I
6.       His è the carpenter
7.       Your è you
8.       Her è the columnist
9.       Their è two members
10.   Her è nora
d.      Exercise 4
1.       This
2.       These
3.       This
4.       That
5.       Those
6.       Those
7.       That
e.      Exercise 5
1.       Interrogative
2.       Demonstrative
3.       Demonstrative
4.       Interrogative
5.       Demonstrative
6.       Interrogative
7.       Demonstrative
8.       Interrogative
f.        Exercise 6
1.       His or her
2.       Their
3.       Their
4.       Their
5.       Their
6.       Their
7.       Him or her
8.       Its
9.       Its
10.   Their
11.   Its
12.   His or her
13.   Its
14.   His or her
15.   their

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